wahhhh !
im super late!
im already 4 hours late to attend the Digital Film Workshop in Shangri La Hotel
have to fix my self up !
whoooshshhhh !
I made it to the Digital Film Workshop and Seminar, it was lunch time.weee..
I really like to hotel food. I have tasted cakes and sweet, and it was my first time to eat these different sugar shocking foods.
It was a wonderful Learning Experience that I got some info about video editing.
also they featured Raymond Red in the forum, and I think I may be the youngest in the workshop, also lots of directors and film makers are present on the event.
Canon featured their new gears the XLS and Pinaccle's Edition Pro. 2 of the most powerful tools in digital film making...
also I met one of Artists' Den member Bong Modesto in the event.