at last our 2 week event of Justice League Powerzone has ended. and today it will be my Hibernation, for I will take a break and rest the whole day. hmm...i think i'l attend to the Pinoy DC fans meet up in Makati tonight.
My Chickies
yup.the old merryland is online again. in our event i got these 2 chickies , they are our staff assigned in the information booth, named Ar Ar and Xy, they are sweet and friendly.and in a matter of seconds they confessed to me that they have a crush on me...oh wow.thats 2 points for me.
Superhero for a day
Holy smokey moley Batman!
thanks to Ma'tto our Wonder Woman collector for giving me a colored yellow Superman Shirt, its cool, everyone in the crowd can spot me because of its color. and i joke around while they interviewed us , as me...the Sunburst Superman or the Sun Energon Superman, but some of them called me Superboy.
the anointed ones
thanks to DC Phil for annoiting me and my fellow collectors the Official DC comics Collectors Guild and founding members of the Official DC Comics Club in the Philippines, hope this group boost and contribute for this new age of superheroes.
at the end of the event..i got a chance in my life, first in my life to wear the BATMAN SUIT !!!!!! oh out for the pics! its great!
man..i feel Batman for a day, and I imitated a scene where Batman kneeling on the floor like he did in the fanfilm Batman:DEAD END.
only the mask nearly fits my face and the cape is big and large for me.
ahehheh...thats the actor Ding Dong Dantes Collection i am wearing. ahhehahe
Jollibee Kiddie Meal
we got stuffed by this burgers coz of the free toy of Jollibee Kiddie meal, our head of the collectors guild, also we call him our daddy, bought 5 pieces of Batman and 5 pieces of Superman, then while we wait him in Jollibee, he showed up with 10 burgers and drinks, then we ate it all for the 4 of us, and then we grab those free toys.
after the event me, RG of weareanime, and Marc of Transformers Phil. are resting in Starbucks Shangri la, when the PR and Marketing of Bates burst into the scene and invited us for a drink in Watering Hole. then after that me and Marc got little drunk, we are just analyzing and reflecting the outcome of the event.and for us becoming Beermen for a night,
thanks to all for attending our event!
watch out for the next big event!
for more pics visit our site at
official site for the Phil. Toys and Collectibles Convention
word of the day:
sige kita tayo next week.