Marino's Residence
Dagatan Blvd. Sampalok Lake
December 7, 2003
Special Guests!!
Leinil Francis Yu (X-men, Superman)
Wilson Tortosa (Battle of the Planets)
Gerry Alanguilan (Waster, Superman)
Carlo Vergara (Zsa Zsa Zathurnnah)
Carlo Pagulayan (Elektra)
Edgar Tadeo (Iron man, Wolverine)
Gilbert Monsanto (Darna, Biotrog)
Ryan Orosco (Darna, Stricken)
Budgette Tan (Alamat Comics)
...and more to be announced!
Comics Signing
Original Comic Art Exhibit
On the Spot Art Contest
Indie Comics Sale
Face Painting
and more...
Contest Mechanics
-Contestants may use any or combination of the following:
Pencils, pen, ballpen, poster color, watercolor, oil, felt tip pens
acrylic, and pastels.
-Art boards will be provided for so do no bring any.
-Theme will be announced at the event.
-Contest will be from 8am-12nn.
-Age category 17 years old and below, 18 years old and older.
Proof of age (ID of birth cert.) required for non-students.
-Slots for 20 contestants for each category.
First come First Serve.
for more info email: gerryalanguilan at
or postal mail
PO BOX 67, San Pablo City Post Office
Deadline for Registration: December 5, 2003