(pic UP AME Anime Fair dec 4, 2004)
Maligayang Pasko sa inyo lahat!!!!!!!!!
pakabait kayo ha para may regalo kayo kay Santa Clause.
Az Snowman Art
Artists' Den Xmas Meet Starbucks Style
It was a xmas fun night for us at the Artists' Den, i got the idea for having a meet day before xmas, and have an exchange gift for all members who will attend, just for fun, - gifts should be something funny and useful.
I arrived one hour late at the meet and i saw them already having fun, and its the time for us to have a short discussion on the next gig of our group. Syeri, Jon, Melch, Erwin, Ariel, Stanley, Mark and RG was there to jam the whole evening, clowning around and the spirit of Artists' Den is alive and kicking.
During our exchange gift, Ariel pick his own name, and it was pretty cheating ahahahaha...coz Ariel really like his gift (a puppy coin bank from Humor Post), but he didnt got away coz RG and Mark arrived that evening late and the 3 of them exchanged their gifts.
it was pure fun and its the 1st ever xmas meet of Artists' Den for this new batch 2003-2004. and other members who are absent can get their chance for another exchange gift after New Year.
Everyone is happy on the gifts they receive, and me..so happy to get this Candy dispenser which you can play with before you eat the candy.ahhaahhaa
During the Xmas meet, RG showed to us some video clips of his latest download -
it was the trailer of RAGNAROK 2, a new version fully 3D MMORPG game to be released in year 2006.
Trailer of Final Fantasy VII Advent Children, in full versions and with english subtitles. really good movie, but it will be only released on the new console Pocket Playstation.
some clips of Dead or Alive: Ultimate and Final Fantasy XII.
then after xmas meet, me, RG and Mark, last tambay night for a short pre-noche buena style in 711, we dine in for the last time and talk about the Friendster thing.
Artists' Den Xmas Meet Photos
click here
Az Reality Webcam Show
Dec 24, 2004
Before Xmas Eve.
log on to your Yahoo Messenger and view Azrael cooking their food for the Noche Buena.
Free view to all
Reality Base Webcam Show!
Azrael's YM = popazrael
limited viewers only