Lace, Az, Mark and Camy
Its the New Worlds Convention, and its a sci fi and fantasy event for all pinoy fans and hobbyist, but i just can't describe what happend while ago, il just put pictures to share you all our experience. I'll upload the pictures soon in my Azrael Multiply account.
Embrace the power of the Dark side
Azrael hugging an EWOK
Artists' Den and Gameophilia booth !
me with General Grievous
me and Palpatine ..ohh scary
Meann Ortiz, Founder of Star Wars Phil. in a Ep3 Amidala costume with YODA doll
Azrael with Lace peace sign
Vincent, Lace and Jedi Toti (jedi na gusto mag Slave Leia hahhaa)
YO-DA man ! (inside the Matrix Philippines booth)
Jedi Dana (Patrick and Reitch's daughter)
during our group photo shot of Star Wars Phil (on stage)