i didnt expected that we were coming over to attend the New Worlds 3, thanks to the power of the force for letting us pass through, and after some sith problems, all are on plan, hm...the circle is complete ahahahaha.
its fun to be with my friends roaming and taking photos again in one event, its a family reunion for everyone! and some of them are only present once a year, too bad that the convention runs on weekdays, so its hard for us 'students' to attend coz we have classes and err..exams, and for people who have day jobs, lucky them for having a day leave for the con.
lots of costume beings walking in the convention area, gamers in their game play mode, fanboys and fangirls having their own good time give and take discussions about sci fi and fantasy, and me with Lace enjoying our sundae in Mcdonalds ahhahaha.
and check this out..we will be returning on day 2 of new worlds!