A Long time ago...
In a galaxy far far away...
STAR WARS Episode 3
these are the first words you'll if you watch it but dont worry my reviews and comments are spoiler free, i'll be careful this time for all my readers are a sci fi fan.
I didn't expect first that i'll be watching the movie but thanks to Star Wars Philippines, as a member and part of the group this is the best benefit I got from them, watching all of us star wars fan in one big final movie of the star wars saga, too bad that they dont allow people to watch movie in costumes, i saw people wearing SW shirts, but us Star Wars Phil members are wearing our simple clothes, acting as a normal SW geek hahha. thanks to our sponsors that they had arrange a reserve one row for SWP. me and Henry went inside early, coz when I arrived at the cinema I didnt care to anyone, I just went there to take my line ahhahaha..
Henry and Az shall witness the fall of the republic
Meann,founder of SWP, told us that we must secure the seats once we get inside, and then we did, we saw some people sitting to the area of SWP, and then I used my ala-Stormtrooper kick ass skills, and then they moved to another seating after I told them that droids are not allowed in these area, hahahahha.
thats henry....and my point of view in my seat
then I sat down in the middle, the best seat in the house!
I told henry that no one would ever let me go up in my seat, I was there sitting and waiting, txting to my girlfriend sharing my excitement to her and then txting my friends telling them that Revenge of the Sith will be showing in my face any minute.
beside my seat is Henry and Paolo Jalbuena,founder of Via-Astris, Star Trek Philippines, and then we talk about some content of SW and about Matrix, we even discussed that they must let people watch in costumes,coz it will be more exciting to see costume beings watching the movie, we compared it last 2 year when we watched Matrix Revolutions in Greenbelt wearing all black trenchcoat and shades at the night of the world premiere, and it sounds found, so a mission for the next movie that the group must organize a costume premiere.
they gave away some freebie and goodie bad containing SW merchandise to all lucky raffle ticket holder, too bad that it wasnt our day to win any prizes, but to see the movie is one of a hell of a prize.
after talking..the screen played the National Anthem, Paolo joked raising his right hand forming the trekie hand sign, and me talking to Lace on the phone, I told her not to cut the line, but its the anthem so I cut the line before some security personnel caught me violating the law.
as we sat down..there it is..the logo of 20th Century Fox and LucasFilm Lmtd.
the 1st run of the movie is already a breath taking ride, and better prepare for more coz you'll see some familiar icons that already appeared in the classic SW. Light Saber fights are one the best! and some droid vs droid fights are cool and very new to us, and also hilarious. it gives us a time to laugh, but after the middle of the movie damn...tears are coming up in our faces, all of us are quite, and damn..i was reflecting right there, what if I'm Anakin Skywalker, (and yeah. what if...I'll be happy coz Im a Jedi, a sith lord and I got Natalie Portman hahahah) so there you go..
Birth of Darth Vader is a lot more different from the SW full trailer, we got fooled again by George Lucas, a pretty nice move fooling us, If you watched it, you will notice it. The battle of Good and Evil continues.. a lot more bloodier and deadlier, I even hated the Sith when I saw some scenes in the Jedi Temple. Lucas really made us to reflect on this movie and this is a ^#^#^#^^ sign and basis to all of us.
as he said "I hope this wont happen to our country".
best line I ever heard
Anakin : "Either your with me or become my Enemy"
Obi Wan: "You are the chosen, that will bring balance to the force"
"You are to destroy the sith, not join them"
after these lines.....a very depressing and emotional moment...
yup you'll agree if you watch it now!!
watch it and dont get be spoiled!
here some goodie!
a STar Wars Collectible pin
download it here and make your own official pin ehhehe
download here