Check out the 1st teaser poster of MARTIAL LAW BABIES. A new graphic novel of Arnold Arre.I'm really honored for posting this and being the 1st to share to everyone the teaser poster of MARTIAL LAW BABIES.
And look out the photo elements in the teaser poster, aren't that very nostalgic? ehhehe
There's a card of Go ranger (Star Ranger), Voltes V Godaiking box, Chewbacca action figure, Indian plastic toy ( tawag ko dyan tau tauhan), the logo of the 'Lipunan' something and if you were born in the 70's and being a kid during the 80's... I know you are one of those kids who watches "Uncle Bob Lucky Seven Club" on TV and fantasizes to take home all those cool toys showing on TV. Its fun to remember those years. My classmates in UST elementary school was there singing, and some of them were greeted during their birthdays, while me at home staring on TV, waiting for the latest toys to be shown and featured. I got crazy everytime they show the Dinobots of Transformers toys.. ahhh memories..
And to know something about Martial Babies, check out my previous blog post at Komiks News Now, were Luis Katigbak got an interview with Arnold Arre, and me got a glimpse of the comic pages from a far during the Neil Gaiman event ahaha.
another great Filipino graphic novel to look out for...
just watch this blog for more updates!!
thanks to Arnold and Cynthia Arre for the head ups!!
So guys... Where were you when Uncle Bob formed a club ?