Ordinary World comics page preview by Azrael Coladilla and Jake Sumbing

here's a page 1 preview of the comics that we just finished and didn't got in time for Metro Comic Con event, and our plan is to contribute the 6 page comics to the Komikero Komiks issue # 2 anthology comics, but since we didn't make it to the cut, might publish this online or maybe for Komikon 2009 this October. Jake Sumbing did the art and illustration transforming my words and script into a one dramatic comics images, I'm very happy on the turn out and since I want it to be in 4 pages, but Jake did a great epilogue of my story and added some cool artworks. Our plan for this issue is to make Jake's artwork more visible and presentable. Since our last work for the comics Tales from the Mysterium Complex suffered a lot of artwork loss due to intense numbers of my word balloons, but the result is okay and working for comics for the 1st time is so FUN!!

I think i'm getting used to it...I want to make more comics!!!! thanks to Jake and the Komikero gang for making this a dream come true.


looks lovely di ba?? just wait and you'll see something/someone behind that door!!!! ahahaha
and oh...don't think that it will be Nanay Dionisa, and if you asked why is it that they have a door bell inside the bed room,,... to tell the truth is..there is no bed room, the couple has a small house and they have this type of apartment type that has one level, which everything is stored in one place, living room, kitchen and bed area are in one room. ahhahaa..get it?