Project Mary Grace production note 6

Otaku Kingdom 2009 at Enchanted Kingdom flyer

This is my 6th production note update and you can see that Project Mary Grace is the new event Otaku Kingdom 2009 at Enchnated Kingdom. I'm now into cramming mode and encountering some delays and problems about the booth exhibit at the tent. We are still finalizing all details for it, and if it comes to worst, I will cancel the booth exhibit because we are running out of time. The new people in their office is having some new rules and operations for the park, so we are trying to adjust and do the impossible to keep the event more kick ass just like last year.

I'm posting more details below on what I have finished this afternoon

1. Finished contacting the bands
2. talked to the EK people re: the booth and tent
3. emailed the booth exhibitors regarding some issues
4. finished constructing the program schedule
5. updated the event website
6. waiting for an email reply re: media coverages
7. waiting for an email reply from friends who will help me in the production of the event
8. finished sending email to all cosplayers who pre-registered in the site.
9. update the blog more
10. post the updates and sched soon

for a short teaser, here's a tentative program schedule of the event. Don't repost this yet, because this is not yet final.

Gate opens

start of Anime Rock Woodstock @ Otaku Kingdom
Ki'iro Neko band performance

Molded Sushi band performance
Onigiri Infusion band performance
Konata Fans club band performance
Trivia games

Le  Strange band performance
Varna band performance
Trivia games
Tonkatsu eating contest

Biscochiong Halimaw band performance
Ikuso Iwa band performance
Trivia games
Voice acting contest

Harakiri Jiro band performance
Raika band performance
Trivia games
Anime singing contest

Dance Mania Performance
story telling at Eldar's tent
Cosplay Parade ( assembly infront of Space Shuttle)
Grand Cosplay group photo infront of Space Shuttle

Cosplay contest on stage


Mizu Gakuen band performance
Mugen Toraku band performance
Awarding of contest

Fireworks display