Yahoo! Meme is another web service and platform that you will enjoy, if you are hungry looking or reading some cool and interesting content from other users, this is directly from Yahoo!, before it was launched here in the Philippines, Yahoo! Meme is only available in other countries and then after a few months, we already got it here and Philippines is the first country in Asia to have our own Yahoo! Meme. I remember I got an invitation from Jonas Delos Reyes, Yahoo! country community manager for the Philippines, to try and use their Meme, for Free! (read more below)
I thought it was pronounced as me-me, but Jonas corrected us and it should pronounce as "mim" (Meme) and he showed us the new updates and features of Yahoo! Meme at the Blog4Reviews Christmas Party.
I'm using Yahoo! Meme as my message box of what's on my head, and also interesting images that can translate on what I want to express, I usually post photos and link to my blog post and share it to my 5.537 Yahoo! Meme followers or readers. My followers or readers can receive my updates and also the updates of other people who are in their network and it will automatically appear in the dashboard. They can repost it and be available in their Yahoo! Meme page. The good part is that you will see who owns the post and where it originates. That's the power of repost and a new trend that is happening in the world of SNS and blogging.
Try it! and visit
Many people say that Yahoo! Meme is copying, yeah it looks like they are the same, but from what I observed, they are different. Yahoo! Meme is like a microblogging engine that can publish not only images, but also photos, videos, audios and txts. Many people are using this and already activated their other microblogs to cross post into Yahoo! Meme. The only thing I like here is that the page loads so smoothly and the images loads a medium size thumbnail, that way the images can load faster and you can still click it to see a larger version of it.
I use Yahoo! Meme as:
1. photo hosting
2. microblog
3. you can use it as your photo gallery dump site
4. photo gallery
5. perfect for your 365 photo project
6. video box
7. blog
8. and be updated on the latest trends and happening on the web.
Yahoo! Meme is free and fun to use it, all you need is to have a Yahoo! account and then you can log in and sign up and join the fun. You can follow me or try to add some Filipinos in my network.
follow me at
and click and follow some users in my network at
my meme screenshot
my dashboard