A tree planting event was organized by the Zoomanity Group of Yupangco Group of Companies in line with Earth Day 2010, they invited the Boy and Girl Scout of the Philippines to help them in the tree planting activity in Paradizoo in Tagaytay, they also invited bloggers to come and join the planting activity and also experienced a zoo tour afterwards.
I was included to join, but I failed to attend it due to client call for work, but I'm hoping for another activity on May 2010. Tree planting should be encourage to everyone and we must remember that our planet is a one big green park, we can also plant trees or vegetables even that is not on Earth day event.
check out Alex Dizon's coverage at http://recyclebinofamiddlechild.blogspot.com/2010/04/one-big-green-park-for-philippines.html
(all photos by Alex Dizon)