A friend recently forwarded an email to me about some so-called price discrepancies of certain items that are being sold in the supermarket chain of SM. It was an alarming case and I’m glad that someone saw this and reported it directly to the management. I think it’s better to report complaints like this directly, instead of just complaining, as this will help solve the problems with the management’s actions.
Just recently, I’ve seen this issue being discussed in an Inquirer.Net article and I’m glad to find out that SM is doing something with the calls that they have been receiving. They are actually willing to receive reports from those who have experienced such incident in order to accommodate the problem properly.
Buying stuff from the grocery and lining up in the long line is a hassle, and sometimes we forget already to check the receipt and prices of the items if they will watch, but what if you have a more than 50 items in the basket, its hard to monitor it and it’s a waste of time to double check it.
This case of price discrepancies is a rare case and because the price tag will be read by the machine, it could be that the code being inputted in the machine went wrong and should be double checked.
SM is responding fast and doing something to solve the problem and avoid it to happen again, if you encounter the price changes, please check the receipt for the contact number and call the customer service to assist you better for exchange and returns of items you bought.
Here’s the article from Inquirer: http://lifestyle.inquirer.net/homeandentertaining/homeandentertaining/view/20100901-289818/Credit-card-widening-the-divide-between-haves-and-have-nots