I went to SM City Manila for a meeting, but then I arrived so late due to heavy traffic near the area and missed the 4pm meeting, but then I was informed that they have an event at the event center and they will be done at around 6pm. I told my ka-meeting that I will meet them at 6pm after their event, so I stayed in the mall for a while and tried some of the new restaurant at the 4th level.
After my meal, I'm busy checking my Instagram and heard that someone is singing "Umaaraw, Umuulan" song by Rivermaya, at first that I thought that Rivermaya is here in the mall, so I tweeted and FB post it mentioning that the 4th generation band of Rivermaya is here performing live, after my meal and social media push ups, I went down to check out the event.
But it wasn't Rivermaya ahahahaha... I tweeted and FB post and inform my followers that Rivermaya is not here in the mall ahahaha
I read the banner back drop from the stage and it has photos of young boys and their boy band name is called Boys Over Load.
what the f....
oh well..I manage to stand at the corner with their fans and do an impromptu coverage since I have more time and my ka-meeting is there monitoring their events hahahaa.
Before I publish this.. I went to SM City Manila Facebook page to see more info of this event.
and read this.. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=617190431632339&set=a.131632373521483.18822.131630643521656&type=1&relevant_count=1
There's this girl who performed on stage....a front act before the main event
And there's this guy named Bryan Olano who performed well on stage, singing live and got too many fans in the area.. thought that he's part of the boy group.
Bryan Olano
Then....the Boys Over Load appeared on stage... the whole crowd majority young females - high school and college students screaming non stop!
The crowd..
I think this fandom-ism will work here, since the reigning boy band of our youngsters is One Direction, and they haven't visited our country yet..maybe if One Direction visits us.. I'm sure the youngsters will forget the boy band tributes heheheh..
I also like to see the new pop culture here with over flowing new boy groups here in the Philippines, we have that Chicser, 143, and lots of them... but which of them are better?
They are so popular.... thanks to social media
Not sure if they have an album...music video..movie or tv series...but I'm sure they have a Facebook Fan page.
Here's Bryan Olano performing again on stage...
dancing..gimme gimme gimme with lots of pump!
the girl beside never stops shouting - "i love you bryan!!!"
Not sure if this is a Bryan Olano show or Boys Overload
Lucky fans got a kiss and hug from the boys
I'm not a fan...but I'm so curious on the scene... I covered lots of boy band events for my sister and my 1st one is an event and meet - greet with Jerry Yan - remember F4 ? or Meteor Garden tv series? omg.. i got squashed by lots of girls in NBC tent and that was very memorable :)
Okay..so what's next... I'm still dreaming of covering Chicser and some other boy bands
So who's your favorite local boy group ?
Boys Overload
SM City Manila
Bryan Olano