Dear blog
Sorry for I haven't posted yet a juicy content for almost a week, you already know the reason of my late posting (yeah bec. of that Globe internet drama), I'm feeding you know a fresh post for this week just to immortalizing the big delay of new content here in our blog.
The past days were crazy and also exciting, but I need all the typing power and brain blending technique to finish all deadlines, I'm going to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia this Wednesday and I am not so ready for it, because of the content post delays and the Zest Air drama suspension is already giving me a lot of stress and pressured me a lot. I'm sure we will conquer this challenge and get over with.
Next few days it will be adventure in merryland again...
yeah di ba?!!
alrighty see you again in the next hours of our digital life...will feed you with lots of cool post from my adventure in the offline world.
photo above is taken by @juanmanila in Mcdonalds, Tsim Tsa Tsui, HK.