August 16. 2013 – I guess this might be my last post for the series about the Southweste Integrated Transport Terminal. But I will blog more if ever I see more improvements and also bad experiences there at the SITT Terminal.
I’m happy for the new developments there at SITT terminal, and after 6 days of my rant about the muddy passenger’s walkway, they now started to repair the sidewalk and brought up a cemented walkway for us commuters. More pogi points to you MMDA!
Here I spotted some workers fixing the sidewalks
we now have a nice sidewalk, next wishlist is a cover or shelter for us commuters.
Busy worker finishing some cement works for the sidewalk
I also noticed that they are repairing the foot bridge in coastal road, converting it now into a covered foot bridge. This will be helpful for us during heat wave or rainy days. I just hope they put up some nice ventilation, lights at night and security guards.
The terminal and the foot bridge are improving but looking at the road will make you realize that the traffic and driver’s discipline is not yet improved. Look at those bus and trucks blocking the big road in Coastal.
I hope there will be more traffic enforcers here, and since there’s a terminal, they should put a NO LOADING bus sign there, so that all commuters will use the new terminal.