August 26, 2013 - After I attended my morning meeting in Makati, I took a cab and then went to Luneta Park to join the Million People March against corruption, abolition of pork barrel, and shout out to our government to investigate those who are involved in pocketing the people's fund. This peaceful picnic protest started in a Facebook event page that attract thousands of Facebook users, the attendance grew more after it was highlighted by our local media.
The event happened at the same day that our nation is celebrating “National Heroes Day”, and for this day, we commemorate our national heroes for defending our country and us living Filipinos to fight corruption till the end.
This is the new age for pinoy netizens and non-netizens to join forces to wake up those who are sleeping in their high chairs.
I prepared for this since last week, but as I arrived in the venue, I noticed that the program is already finished and people are started to exit the park peacefully, but I saw lots of scenes and actions after the program, so I took out my two cameras Olympus E-520 and Olympus E-PL1 and started capturing the last few moments of the Million People March to Scrap Pork.
I want to immortalize this event and moment in photos and in blog post just to remind everyone that we should watch our government carefully and start to ask question when, how, what – happened ? in other words.. anyare sa pera ng bayan? bakit billion piso ang nabulsa? Those money should be used in developing our country to be better and help the ones who needs it.
This is just the beginning…for change and start a new.
here are my photos
Bust statue of Apolinario Mabini, one of our national hero
Jose Rizal monument in Luneta Park
Signature petition to scrap pork barrel
Photo op moments infront of Jose Rizal Monument
Good Business!!
Sweet corns are the best seller here at the Million People March
More crowds coming in after the program and massive picnic protest
Spotted some shooters
More crowd coming in and coming out of the venue
My last visit in this park was 2 years ago, and I didn’t noticed that clock standing in the middle of the park
Everyone are taking their selfie here at the metallic pole in Luneta Park. I stood infront and took my own selfie
Photographer..or journalist standing infront of the clock
MMDA command center
People signed the banner as one of their attendance and remembrance of this event
Signature petition campaign area
According to the news of TV Patrol earlier, an estimate of 20,000 people signed the petition
Removable mural are brought here at the Quirino grounds.
Photo op moments with signage that can be borrowed for free. Instant profile photo for your Facebook page.
A guy holds the sign “There is a HERO in all of us”, standing infront of St. Lorenzo Ruiz statue
Muddy grounds in Quirino area, also you can spot here that the entire venue is clean and no garbage are in sight. People cleaned up the area right after the peaceful picnic protest
A lady waves our Philippine flag at the Quirino grounds.
Spotted Juana Change, still in costume during this interview session– as the Ms. Piggy Pork Barrel,
A group of people playing live ethnic music
First Air Area ??? the lady in red is selling cigarettes
and ohhh this is not the first air area hahahah.
I saw this family just finished eating their lunch infront of the Tamaraw statue
Mineral water vendor stares at the ground of people doing some photo ops and also interview with the media
Spotted this pig bread inviting for some photo ops
Pop corn in the street…. I miss this street version of pop corn
More banners..
I’m looking down at this banner posted on the floor
” Shame on you Senators” poster raised by two muslim ladies
Its like a street party..lots of dancing…singing…and live music playing
a big banner…with lecture infront
PWD also joined the peaceful picnic protest
yummy doughnuts….and what?!!!!! Php 5.00 only per piece?? wow so affordable
Spotted this old biker showing off his bike full of bling blings
Students wearing Guy Fawkes mask from the movie V for Vendetta
Luneta Park is back on the roll… the normal pinoys are back here as tourists
Our early hero here in the Philippines… Lapu Lapu
Lovers in Luneta… after the picnic…its time for cuddle time!
Dad and son walks around the park wearing their Guy Fawkes mask
A group of people exiting the park wearing this head sign “Abolish Aquino’s Pork Barrel”
Inang Pilipinas
Master and best friend
Don’t forget that this day is our national heroes day
Funny effigy will be better if the effigy has motoring movements
Man listens to his AM Radio while standing below the Carabao statue
the banner again…
This guy brought his letter for the Aquino government
this if for Twit Pic!
Doughnut girls doing some selfie while there’s free time
spotted: fashion blogger and celeb Laureen Uy
Photo op the clock monument
“Takatak man” or cigarette vendor wander around the crowded venue and uses his cigarette wooden box to create that “takakatak” sound
It’s rainy…and umbrellas here are selling like pancakes.
Greeny tiaras worn by ladies of anti-pork barrel
Name that character ????!
Merienda time!! boiled sweet corns and no pork
I wonder if my fashion blogger friend Sai Sayson-Montes know this guy ahhaha
Temptations are everywhere!
heroes of Luneta Park…our street sweepers
A warning and message
This girl just smile and raised her banner at the crowd, she doesn’t stop and she always smile whenever there’s a camera capturing her “Instagramish moment”
Interview…for am radio
shout out… abolish the pork barrel and PDAF
Girl : “hey guys!!! we’re over here!!!”
More free photo ops with the anti-pork barrel banners
spotted some foreigners visiting Luneta Park, I’m not sure if they are aware about the peaceful picnic protest vs. corruption
Carabao statue
is it PDAP ???? or PDAF ????
This guy is preaching about what’s going on with the current system of our government. Everyone clapped after his wise words.
I thought that this guy is Beersum
Foreigners joined the peaceful protest…
First Air team on a break..
Ambulance starts to roll out
I saw this group of people at the other side of the park, they are walking in circle and it seems that they are praying or doing some chants on something.
Spotted the guards of Jose Rizal Monument
Saw this guy dancing with the music background in Luneta Park.. I think he’s doing some Instagram in video post.
Long long bike…
I don’t know how it will work… because the pedal touches the ground
Saw some Hindu fanatics marching inside the park..singing and playing their drums… the park guard asked them to take the other road and not the park, but the group just entered singing and jumping peacefully.
Hope you liked my photos for this day.