Congratulations to Starbucks Philippines for launching their rewards card for their loyalty customers, a card that can transform our visit to their stores into rewards. The launch was held in Glorietta event center, it’s the new event center and it’s my first time to stay there to attend an event and also cover it here for my card. Lots of Starbucks fans went there to celebrate the success of the new card launch and also win some goodies by participating in some activity booths. Starbucks also offered a challenge and they gave away free 100 cards for the 1st 100 people who lined up at the event gate. Lucky win!
I think this is the 1st ever grand event of Starbucks after so many years.. tama ba ?
The card was shown to us a day before the main launch, and I was one of the lucky people to own a card early. You can read my feature, info and tips about the card here at -
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Entering the event… by showing this invitation card at the bloggers/media area
I got now my loot bag of the day hahaha!
Free drinks for everyone!!!
two Starbucks mobile bar is here at the event
event stage and audience area, the show haven’t started yet at 6pm.
spotted the blogger couple : Marjorie and Jonel Uy
fashionista bloggers Daryl and Kim Nieves
college boy and social media influencer Renz De Vera – he’s super active in all social media accounts and this rewards him a Starbucks card for winning in an Instagram contest
VIP guest at the event floor
I didn’t noticed this brewed coffee dispenser, I already ordered my mocha Frappuccino before I discovered this unlimited hot coffee!
Our fraps are here ahahah looks like I’m a third party person here
Event started at past 6pm and we spotted the DJs and host of the radio show Morning Rush – Gino, preggy Delamar and Chico
Introduction of Starbucks card – showing some videos about the benefit of the card
Q and A games – if your answer is correct then you win a card with P300 load. We know all the answers but we seated at the left side of the audience area and the host can’t even spot us there when we raise our hand first to answer the Q and A game. Here we see Jonel bravely raised his hand even if the question is not yet given hahahaa, it’s a 50-50 chance. Thanks Jonel…that time..we got spotted and the spot light sunburned me for a few minutes during the game.
There’s a jump shot photo contest at the activity booth area – 10 awesome jump shots were selected and won a free Starbucks card with P300 load.
Entertainment time!!! When I read from the invitation that Zia Quizon and Rico Blanco will be there to perform live on stage,I didn’t think twice and agreed to come and attend the event. I like Zia Quizon bec. of her style in singing and her voice is unique from other singers. And if the name Rico Blanco flashes before you – yes.think of Rivermaya and also Rico himself, Its been years after my last view of his live performance on stage – its like listening to a record bar – his voice and music mix on stage is always perfect like listening to a CD audio.
Zia Quizon
performing her hits “Ako na lang”, “Pasakalye” and also performing a cover song from the 80’s
The oldies sitting behind me super enjoyed her performance, hahahah. bec. they can sing along with a song from Cyndi Lauper covered by Zia.
more photos of Zia Quizon
Jun Lopez Jr. , President of Rustans Coffee (company that got rights to Starbucks Philippines) and Mrs. Menchu Lopez, EVP.. awards Zia Quizon with a Starbucks rewards card – think of it.that card might be loaded with Php10k
Rico Blanco
He is now very active in social media, when he mentioned that he uploads some stuff in Youtube, I got an interest to check it and see some recorded performance. He performed his new songs, and also hits from Rivermaya.
Great to see you again Rico Blanco!
I super enjoyed watching it live..and can’t helped myself in singing in the crowd hhahaha.
I got a time to go at the back of the audience area and do some snap shots.
Thanks Rico!
And now…Rico got his own Starbucks Card
Confetti dance after the program..yay!!!! some landed in my mouth lol
Thanks everyone for reading my blog.. Don’t forget to check out the Starbucks card…its FREE!
just go to the cashier in Starbucks and load up a Php 300 to get a free card.. The Php 300 is consumable, you can reload it with min. P100 and maximum P10,000.
See you in my next Starbucks coverage.