Our project to have our own fish farm started today, we did lots of research about doing aquaphonics to grow your own veggies and also breed tilapia fish. Lace did some research and she discovered this aquaphonics hobbyist online community in the Philippines. This morning we visited an aquaphonics experts who breeds red and black tilapia in their backyard, they also plant and harvest some lettuce and tomatoes in a grow bed setup.
We saw their set up and its awesome! and it inspired us to push through to do this project. The experts also told us that they can assist us in building our own.. awesome!
Ok. me and Lace will visit that Agri expo in WTC to get some ideas and also maybe get some supplies.
The funny thing is that...I finally learned on how those siphon works hahaha.
anyone here is into aquaphonics?
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