June 18, 2015 – Here’s my photo blog post during our day zero or ingress time for 14th Toycon Philippines 2015. I arrived here fresh from our radio guesting and was clueless where to eat my late lunch haha. I took a short snoop and then I went out for awhile to hunt for a good lunch in SM Megamall.
Few years ago, our event runs only for two days, usually our ingress time is always on Friday, because the main event always fall on a Saturday and Sunday, but then we tried a different run for 4 years and we tried injecting some event for Friday and making it an exclusive for merchant and merchandise day, so it begins that our ingress will start on a Thursday, it felt like that we’re having a 4 day event and ohh add 5 day event because the tv guesting in ABS CBN’s morning show Umagang Kay Ganda requires set up and exhibit too. hahahah.

Here’s my late lunch… a yummy hot noodles from Masuki.
Located at the basement level of SM Megamall. I got some plans already for the three day event that I will eat here for three days straight.
Because I will just use the elevator going to the basement and just walk a little going inside the store of Masuki.

On my way up..I spotted the banners that I edited hahaha.
I’m glad that it was put up for good use.

Thanks to Megatrade Hall and SM Megamall for this set up.
I think all escalator areas of building B posted all our banners.
I wonder if we can do the same in SM MOA…for our move to SMX in 2016.

Here’s hall 2

Toy gallery area set up

Empty space at hall 3

I finally met Luk Chee Chew and Lisa Lee from Malaysia.
They are our toy designer guest for this year.

spotted…. BB-8 droid

Exhibitors area….ongoing set up

Stage area..

Photo wall

Antman display area

World of DC banner

Mindstyle and Funko Pop set up

Giant Funko Pop! Minion and Jon Snow spotted

Terminator Genisys booth

Warner Bros. booth

Hahahh… that’s Magic Mike XXL

World of DC Comics booth

Exhibitors booth


IFLIX booth

Big Boys Store booth

I believe this store will sell lots of cosplayer’s wig

Thanks for checking out my day zero coverage!
14th Toycon Philippines 2015