2018 is the year when we celebrate the 80th year of Superman in comics and also in pop culture. The Man of Steel is one of the most popular and iconic super hero and character in comics, movies, tv, animation, games and toys. We are so lucky that we have this kind of exhibit and display that commemorates the 80 years of Superman.
Thanks to Pacific Licensing Studio for organizing the first ever moving exhibit and display that will commemorate and celebrate the existence of the last son of Krpyton.
The Superman 80th anniversary exhibit will tour around 4 SM Supermalls around the metro, this will run from June to July. If you are near the mall, I suggest you go there, bring a kid and dress up like Superman, because every corners of the exhibit is a one big photo studio for your super hero role playing or costume play.
Here are the schedules:
- May 29 to June 6- SM MOA
- June 8 to 15,2018 - SM Mega Fashion Hall
- June 17 to 30,2018- SM Marikina
- July 2 to 15,2018 - SM Makati
Here’s a virtual tour around the Superman 80th anniversary exhibit and display in SM Mall of Asia
The façade that shows the different era of Superman. Also the walls and entrance gate is like the gates from The Fortress of Solitude, Superman’s home.
As you enter the venue, you’ll see a framed poster featuring the different comic covers of Superman. That’s more than a thousands of comic covers and they’ve compiled the best ever from 1938 to present.
When I saw this photo, it reminds me of that 80’s comics of Superman --- What ever happened to the man of tomorrow, its not the entire statue that is from the comics, but the style reminds me of it.
Toys, shirts and other merchandise anything about Superman are sold at the event. Also I noticed that the DC Superheroes LEGO set are on sale with discounts!
Sayang, wala ko dala pera! ahhaahh
I super like these shirts with the vintage design and old comic covers of Superman comics. Im going to score this this weekend. I want that classic Action Comics # 1 shirt.
I wish that these set up will be put up in a museum of superheroes, we need these kind of exhibits and display here in the Philippines. If ever we have it, Im sure it will be a big tourist destination for all Superman fans.
Every kid and adult knows Superman…. its impossible for a human being that doesn’t know him. Because Superman appears in all kinds of media.
A collectible statue resembling our modern Superman played by Henry Cavill.
Comics, toys and collectibles display of anything that is Superman.
HOT TOYS Superman
and a….. oh wait?? what’s that? is that a special coffee table book or comics ?
Custom HOT TOYS of Superman with a head sculpt of actor Christopher Reeves, one of the best Superman actor of all time.
I grew up watching his Superman films, for me he is the actor that can’t be replaced.
More Superman figures
This figure reminds me of ALEX ROSS’s comic covers
One kid yelled when he saw this display --- “its kryptonite!! there’s red, blue, green, and yellow!!)
Photo wall
The Superman Logo seal is one of the best photo back drop
Superman’s S….which means HOPE
A replica or copy of Action Comics # 1, the first appearance of Superman.
Im glad that this is only a replica, because we only have 2-5 copies of this comics that are in perfect or good condition and that vintage comics worth millions of dollars.
If it’s the real thing, then they need serious security to guard the comics treasure.
I think this is a custom made print out of a copy of the original comics.
If ever they sell it..I want a copy!
Photo wall of Action comics # 1
Famous comic covers of Superman
Featuring the 1000th comics issue of Action Comics.
Check out that Superman’s Kryptonian key to open the Kryptonian ship from the Man of Steel movie.
I super love to see these movie replica and props.
A figure of the first appearance of Superman
Thanks to Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster for creating the most popular comic character in the world.
A diorama of the launch of Kal-el to Earth
And here’s a replica of the space ship of baby Superman!!! At first I thought that we can enter the space pod haha.
There’s also an informative chart featuring the history and milestone of Superman. Here are the Crisis on Infinite Earth, lots of things has changed after this big event. Many deaths and also alteration of DC Universe.
The Man of Steel mini series somics by Johyn Byrne and Dick Giordano is one of my favorite origin story of Superman. It’s my first official comic book that made me start to read and collect comic books.
I still have a copy at home and I super treasure it even if the pages and cover in a bad condition. But this comics is a part of my teenager years.
I was in Baguio when the 1st appearance of an energy powered Superman was seen on comics, it was a glow in the dark comics cover. I was in Baguio with my family and Im so want to go back home, go to Comic Quest and get a copy of it.
But I was in luck when I spotted a comic book store that sells a fresh copy… Wow!! I bought two copies that day
The Adventure of Superman comics.. I got a copy of this.. but I accidentally left it inside the cinema. My mom got so mad at me when I forgot to bring it with me when we watched a movie.
Hay…. I went back to the cinema minutes after we exit, but I just can’t find it. Maybe someone got it and saved it from the garbage collector.
I stopped reading and collecting comics in my mid of high school and college. But then when I found a PHP1000 bill in SM North EDSA, I just saw it on the floor and nobody owns it, I took it with me and went straight to Comic Quest..
There I purchase this KINGDOM COME # 1 comics.
This comics changed my life………. I went back to read and collect comics and this story made me realize…. ok ok ok Im leaving myself as a kid, time to read a serious story…
and be an adult.
Superman vs Doomsday is also one of the biggest comics event ever. I learned about it when my mom told me that Superman is dead!! I asked where did she learned about it,, she said its on the news… so I read the newspaper and also saw the news on TV, the next day, I went to SM North again to find a copy…. but that time, I was able to grab the issue…..OMG.. he really died in comics.. I thought that it was the end of Superman.
After a few months, I grabbed a copy of Return of Superman TPB from a grocery…then bam!!! he is back from the grave!
This comics changed the comics universe, back then, people who read it didn’t expect that it will be a glorious event for the future.
More trivia and history of Superman can be read here at this wall.
Silverworks has a booth and they sell Superman pendants made from silver.
Ah…..Superman’s mightiest villain. They are also important in Superman’s history. There’s a small set up in the corner of the exhibit. But I wish that the exhibit features more of Superman’s super villains.
A superhero wont be a hero if there’s no villain.
One of my fave set up is this Phantom Zone prison.. .OMG! it moves and rotates just like in the Superman movie 1 --- when General Zod and his criminal team are imprisoned and was charged guilty and was thrown into the Phantom Zone to pay for their crimes committed in Krypton.
For your birthday ideas..go get a Superman cake! ahahah
In comics, the phone booth is where we always see Clark Kent change his clothes into Superman costume… it will happen in just seconds.
Thanks for reading my blog post, if you have visited the exhibit, feel free to share a photo of it here in my blog, just post a link below via the comments.
Let’s compile the photos as we celebrate the 80th year anniversary of Superman.
See you at the next blog post!!!