June 15, 2015 – We did another pop culture talk / seminar / Toycon Philippine roadshow in DLS-CSB, this is in partner with the Benildean Industrial Designer students or BiND. This is our 2nd year in collaborating with them and I’m very satisfied with the result for this year because I see lots of toys on display prepared by their student org and participants from other college.
Its my first time to collaborate with a new and fresh line up of students for this year, because the one who got the idea to organize this was the senior students from last year, I just told them what to do and what kind of content they can expect in line with our Toycon Philippines event last year.
The set up is quite the same as last year, me and Tim Villasor of Justice Ph was there again to share some pop culture news. I shared again the “Secret Origins of Toycon”, and while Tim shared some news about the World of DC Comics from the comics verse up to the movie universe.
I invited Earl Maghirang of Fanboy SEO and Whats A Geek, Chad Ting Ramos of Reimaru Files and Carlo Patrick Torres from the toy group community to join with us to do a sharing on what’s happening in the world of the geeks and otaku. For Earl and Chad, they did share some topics that is related in having a possible career in geek blogging and also gaming.

The SDA bldg of DLS-CSB.
I also call it the SDF or the Super Dimensional Fortress from the Macross anime.
The building looks like a part of the body of spaceship station in Macross.
When Chad couldn’t find the building, I told him that the SDA building looks like the SDF Macross, I’m glad he got my picture and he found the building after a few blocks.
It’s the most unique structure ever when you are in Manila.

Here’s the toy exhibit area inside the Black Box room in SDA Bldg.
The Industrial designers really impressed me with their set up and lighting.

They also featured the toy customization contest and the photography contest.
Prize at stake is a free entrance at our event.

One student designed a working maneuver trigger based from the hit anime “Attack on Titan”, he showed me on how the blade can fit and lock with this trigger and and the function of the other trigger that launches the cable hook.
If you watched the anime, I’m sure you get what I mean.

The photography contest area with theme “fun photo”

Early birds – Carlo and Me… also Chad (not on pic)

The college department head shared some opening remarks before starting the sharing of knowledge, by the geeks for the geeks hahaha.
I told them that we can organize another event next time that is not inline with our event so that the preparation will be more better.

My 1st talk… Secret Origins of Toycon.
I just did a slight re-hash of my talk last year. I’m, there to introduce and also sell our event

End of my slide..thanks to the lovely host of that day for introducing us one by one.

Carlo aka Wavski, shared some tips about toy collecting and also his starting career as a cosplayer of Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure. Btw, he’s a professional commercial and fashion model.

Geek blogger Earl Maghirang was there to share on how you too can be a geek blogger, but before he start his talk, he warmed up the floor by giving away some Funko Pop toys to lucky participants of his trivia game.

Tim of Justice Ph, shared the news from the comics, movie and tv world of DC Comics and also the effort they done as a member of cosplay group devoted to DC comics characters, his group are active in community and humanitarian service, they visit the site in full costumes.

Gaming blogger Chad share the benefit of gaming to students.
He shared that you can have a career as a gamer, gaming blogger, or game developer, depends on the level of your skills, interest and expertise.

In every end of our talk, a group of DLS-CSB student are waiting for us outside the venue for an interview. Here’s Tim in an interview mode with them. After some weeks, we saw that they shared our advises to students of DLS-CSB on what they can learn from our talk and from outside the school.

Here’s my part…. my advise to all students.
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Benilde held Toycon X Bind, an annual event that focuses on career opportunities in gaming and the latest trends in the toy industry.
I would like to advise students that once they finish their studies, they must explore the world outside school. In the real world, they get to expand their knowledge in their fields and explore new things and places that can help them have better lives." -Azrael D. Coladilla, Program Director of the Asian Comics Toy and Hobbies Collective
"What I learned from this event is to be very passionate in everything you do. As a student, passion drives me to do more things that I never knew before. Passion pushes us beyond boundaries of knowledge, making it clear for us to realize what we love to do." - Sam Crisologo, BS-Industrial Design student
Through #IdeaXBenilde, we capture the exchanges of extraordinary insight that are constantly happening in our College. Our academic trips, lecture series, outreach activities and other collaborative experiences spark discussions and inspire a meeting of minds.
#BenildeExtraordinary #AnimoBenilde
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This photo appeared in the Facebook page of DLS-CSB
source: https://www.facebook.com/DLSCSB.official/photos/a.143573292330116.19763.141578142529631/1100812219939547/?type=1&fref=nf

After the end of our talk, we got a time to judge the custom figure contest and the toy photography contest.
Two winners of the custom toy contest won as a tie.
Then in toy photography, the toy soldier vs. a spud potato won 1st place because of its funny elements and a great way to tell a story in photo.

The Toycon x BiND speakers

Thanks BiND of DLS CSB for inviting us and also for this plaque of appreciation.
For school and universities who want to invited
just send me an email at azrael@gmail.com or just send me a note in my Facebook – www.facebook.com/popazrael
Here are some photos of toys at the exhibit area.
